Friday, June 8, 2018

WFW #4 300WM for a Frog

Very happy SEAL receiving his new gun. 
We happened to award #4 and #5 out of order, which in the end doesn't matter as the guys still ended up with their weapons. It only mattered because they were numbered but don't judge us, nobody is perfect. We were reached out to by a SEAL out of Virginia Beach, who had a friend who was being medically retired. After a lengthy career this SEAL Chief had lost his leg in an IED overseas and was being released back into the wild. We reached out to his girlfriend and started to piece together what he would want.

After some communication and coordination we started to piece together a package for him. He wanted a long range precision rifle in 300wm that he could hunt with, shoot and enjoy. After some communication with some of our industry partners we had the amazing offer from Terry Cross at KMW rifles to supply an entire rifle to this unknowing operator. This SEAL asked very nicely, once awarded, that we keep his identity secret and supplied these pics in thanks. In keeping with requested privacy that is as in depth as we will go into his background but the package was well received and we cannot thank all the companies who supplied items enough for their help to our little project.

Final package:

KMW Longsword 300WM by Terry Cross: 26" 300WM in a KMW Sentinel Stock.

Applied Ballistics Kestrel donated by Kestrel
Kestrel Weather Meters

Rustick Knives Field Knife donated by one of our own, Jack Stottlemire at Rustick Knives

Atlas Bipod Donated by B&T industries

Soft goods donated by Armageddon gear

We couldn't do any of this without the blind faith in us by the companies that continue to donate product. It cannot be stressed enough that we do not have hands on any of these product prior to award and all weapons are transferred through a FFL on location to each recipient.